
Showing posts from April, 2018

Imposter Syndrome

@ sujanee is getting a group of PhD instagram accounts together to discuss how this syndrome affects them. I think its a great idea in order to help future PhD students realise: it’s not just you. What is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome can be equated to feeling like a fraud. That you dont deserve the position you are in and everything you achieve is a “fluke”. Did you know Albert Einstein was affected by this syndrome. Imposter Syndrome: mum life As a mum, I am kind of use to that imposter feeling of “winging it” or “making it up as i go along”. The support I’ve found on here and within my own support network has been fantastic for my mental health. With the positive affirmations that I am the best mum I can be without having all the answers and thats ok. Imposter Syndrome: PhD life However, you would think in your job, you should feel more accomplished. But being a PhD student (which is the same as a job) is almost synonymous with imposter syndrome. Its intrica